Dear King Fridge backer!
December is coming closer and closer. We’re looking forward to a cool season with highlights such as Christmas, New Year’s Eve, and the delivery of King Fridge!
Some brief answers to questions you might have:
When can I expect the game?
As we let you know before, our production partner has confirmed our production time slot in the first week of December, and we will ship the games to you right after.
What if I move to a different address in the meantime?
In case you want King Fridge to be delivered to a new home address in December, please send an email to and let us know your new address.
Do I need to do anything?
No, just enjoy the autumn and let us take care of getting King Fridge to you in December.
We value your patience and as a small gift, we have added two last new special cards to all games: “Pandamic” and “Show Your True Self”!
Cool regards,
Sjoerd, Dennis, Niels & Koen